Sunday, August 23, 2009

Kindness of Strangers

Another weekend has come and gone. My angel has been gone for 2 weeks yesterday. I am still an emotional wreck. I in no way resemble the happy cheerful silly person I was before. But I have learned from my new friends who have faced this same pain that I am right where I should be. They have told me over and over that where I am and what I am feeling is exactly right. I am shocked by the kindness of the women who have lost their own babies. They have reached out to me and given me so much. Laura from String of Pearls has been there when I was close to going hysterical. Becky from String of Pearls has been there with me from the hospital and reaches out to me every couple of days. She calms me and reassures me. Rhonda another mother I met thru Cayden's neurosurgeon called and spoke to me for over an hour and a half last night. Hearing her heartbreak with me and for her lost angel after 3 years let me know that I will never forget my Cayden. I will never not miss him. He is my son and will forever be a part of my family. I can only hope that someday I will be able to pay forward some of the kindness shown to me.

1 comment:

  1. Rhonda is so right. It will soon be 6 months since my Carleigh was born still and she is in my thoughts every single day. During my pregnancy so many people rallied around me and supported me (and still continue to!). Many people I barely knew. I am forever grateful for their kindness to me.
